Sunday, September 6, 2015

Edmark MRT Complex Natural Weight Loss

Edmark MRT complex is a natural weight loss product that will enable you to lose weight in Nigeria. Those who want to lose weight in a natural way in Nigeria have discovered that MRT complex is easy to use and produces successful weight loss results.
Therefore, if you want to burn stomach fat and lose your tummy fat, the mrt complex will do the job easily and safely for you.

Order Edmark MRT Complex Natural Weight Loss from 
 edmark mrt complex natural weight loss

Apart from helping you to lose weight in Naija, it will also assist in your overall health as the complex is packed with nutrients which your body requires to function optimally.
Edmark Meal Replacement Therapy MRT for natural weight loss is a chocolate flavoured meal replacement shake, delicious, low calorie and highly soluble nutritional drink. It helps you to burn fat and lose weight naturally.
  •  NAFDAC No. A1 - 4193
A pack contains 28 sachets of mrt powder of 20 grams each.
Each pack comes with MRT- Meal Replacement Therahy Power Slimming Program for healthy and natural weight loss.
Edmark MRT Complex or Meal Replacement Therapy is a program to replace your normal meal with a delicious, low calorie and highly soluble nutritional drink.
It has the complete vitamins, proteins, and energy-releasing amino acids than can help reduce weight safely, fast and effectively, while avoiding the hunger pangs often associated with dieting.
This is a program that is designed for people who wish to embark on a safe and long-term weight loss and maintenance program. 
 edmark meal replacement therapy to lose weight in Nigeria

Characteristics of MRT Complex:
Organic formulation
Natural ingredients, good taste
Low Calorie
Each sachet of MRT Complex contains only 83 Kcal
Balanced Nutrition
Each sachet of MRT Complex contains nutrients needed by our body everyday. Hence it promotes normal metabolism to build a healthy body and regulates our physiological functions
Superior quality legume protein 
MRT Complex contains superior quality legume protein that is easily digested and absorbed by our body, helps to lose excessive fat but not muscle.
Contains Fructose 
 lose weight fast with edmark mrt complex weight loss shake

Order Edmark MRT Complex Natural Weight Loss from 

A natural sweetener extracted from fruit and honey that is safe for people with diabetes mellitus or those who have hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar).
Contains Hoodia Gordonii
A cactus plant which sends signals to the hypothalamus of the brain that the stomach is full. Even small amounts of food can make the body feel completely nourished and energized.
Contain fat elimination factors 
Lechitin, L-Carnitine, Inositol, help to enhance fat metabolism
Contains edible fiber 
Fiber is used to enhance the elimination of waste substances in our body, gives bulk satisfaction and reduces the hunger pangs. It can prevent constipation, painful piles, colon cancer, kidney stone as well as to lower cholesterol level.

Order Edmark MRT Complex Natural Weight Loss from 


  1. You can Order Edmark MRT Complex Natural Weight Loss product anywhere you are in Nigeria and it will be delivered to your doorstep. Just call 08189876251 to place your order.

    Naija weight loss slimming now!

  2. I need d MRT I'm in Adamawa I want to know d price pls

  3. I need d MRT I'm in Adamawa I want to know d price pls
