Saturday, October 17, 2015

Obesity in Nigeria

Obesity in Nigeria cannot be denied. I am sure you are aware that being obese and overweight are attributes previously attributed to urban population in Nigeria as well as to the rich and bourgeois.

Well, that was then.

Obesity in Nigeria has become a problem that health workers all over Nigeria are grappling with and Nigerians are pretending it doesn't exist. even the Northern Nigeria that were previously not associated with obesity and overweight are having their fair (Shouldn't I say unfair?) share of obese and overweight persons.

Obesity means having too much body fat compared to your lean muscle. It is different from being overweight, which means weighing too much. The weight may come from muscle, bone, fat, and/or body water. Both terms mean that a person's weight is greater than what's considered healthy for his or her height.

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Denial of obesity has not wished it away as this article clearly indicates.

Obesity in Nigeria is a worrisome trend that is rising apparently due to the food we are now consuming. Another Nigerian health blog captured this concern as far back as 2014 in this obesity article. Since this obesity article, the malaise has worsened.

Eating too much is one of the major causes of obesity in Nigeria in most people who are obese.

Therefore to stop obesity and reverse the effects of obesity in Nigeria, you should reduce your food portions among other things you must do if you want to be freed from obesity.

Obesity, if left alone for some time will graduate to morbid obesity. 

May your obesity not degenerate to morbid obesity.

There are products you can use to manage obesity and reduce its effects in your life. You can find some at

You can read other articles on products to help you manage obesity below:

Edmark Slimming Pack Beauty Products

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